It isn’t new for anyone to want our clothes to smell like they’ve just been freshly picked from the washer. From formal wear to everyday casuals, we would want to extend their freshness and pleasant smell as long as possible. However, with all the pollution and mere environmental factors which is an inevitable given in our daily lives, we couldn’t help but cut short our clothes’ pleasant aroma.
To extend the fresh scent our clothes have, here are a few tips to help us in our dilemma:
1. Sprinkle essential oils
There are different ways to boost the clean scent of your clothes using essential oils. First, you can directly use it during the final cycle of your rinsing. Add around ten to twenty drops of essential oils before hanging your clothes to dry or tossing them in the dryer. The other way is to add a few drops to a clean washcloth and include it in the dryer.
This procedure will make your clothes just lightly fragrant, leaving the people around you guessing what perfume you wear. Another way to add essential oils is to dilute it in water and directly spray it to clothes that have gone musty with disuse. So it’s up to you to take your pick. Just don’t forget to replenish those essential oils since they’re used for a whole lot of other purposes.
2. Store with old air fresheners
Even when you think those air fresheners are within the brink of retirement, think again. Just as the saying goes, oldies but still goodies. Get those air fresheners that has seemingly exhausted all its scent and tuck it in the back of your cabinet or wardrobe. When left in not so well-ventilated places, those wrappers or worn-out containers can sure do the trick.
Since the area is enclosed, the faint scent of the old air-fresheners will still exude the right amount of scent that’s just right for your clothes. Not too concentrated, not too faint either. So before you chuck them straight to the bin, check if your clothes need a little boosting.
3. Wrap in old dryer sheets
For those using dryers for their laundry, you might want to reconsider before tossing those dryer sheets to the garbage. They’re actually a good enhancer for your closet. Not only is it consistent with the scent you used for your laundry, it’ll keep your clothes smelling fresh much longer. Plus, you’ve maximized your household supplies to its exhaustion. In the long run, this tip might just actually help you make the most out of your money spent for laundry needs.
These tips aren’t guaranteed. It always has to be tried first if it suits you or not. But the keyword here is try. Maybe you’ll finally find the answer to your wardrobe predicament.
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