The Migrant Worker’s Centre (MWC) organized activities to celebrate the International Migrants Day. There were about 50,000 migrant workers who joined the launching of the event on Sunday, December 15, 2013. The events were simultaneously held at 3 dorms and 2 recreation centres where some migrant workers won prizes and goodie bags. Apart from that, MWC also gave brochures containing employment laws, rights and customs to the workers who attended the celebrations.
The International Migrants Day is celebrated every December 18. The UN (United Nations) General Assembly pushed this bearing in mind the increasing number of migrants around the world. Member States and NGOs (Non-government Organizations) are advised to recognized the International Migrants Day every year. The Member States and NGOs should disseminate information about the migrant’s human rights and freedoms wherever they are. Here are some things that you need to know about the UN Convention on Human Rights of all Migrant Workers and Member of their Families:
- Article 8: The workers and their families are free to leave any country (including their own). The workers and their families are free to re-enter and stay in their country of origin anytime.
- Article 9: The workers and their families have the right to life and it is protected by the law wherever they are in the world.
- Article 10: The workers and their families have the right to be free from torture, inhuman and demeaning treatments whatever the case.
- Article 11: In general, Article 11 clearly states that workers and their families should not be subjected to servitude or slavery. They should not be forced to perform anything beyond their will.
- Article 12: The workers and their families are free to think and practice religion wherever they are. The workers and their family should never be coerced into something that would harm their freedom.
- Article 13: The workers and their families are free to express their expression. No one should curb or interfere the opinions of these people.
- Article 14: The workers and their families have the right to privacy and correspondence. No one should impede or interfere with this right.
- Article 15: The workers and their families have the right to own a property. They have the right to be compensated adequately and fairly.
- Article 16: In general, Article 15 clearly states that workers and their families have the right to security and liberty. They are entitled to the protection of the state from threats, violence and other injuries.
- Article 17: In general, Article 16 states that workers and their families who are denied of their independence should be treated humanely. The respect should still be there because it is inherent in the human person.
Actually, the list goes on. If you want to know more, you can refer to the complete document.